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Aerial Yoga 空中瑜伽
3 Reasons to Give Aerial Yoga a Go
- want to fly in the mid-air
- want a little bit excitement & fun from traditional yoga
- never try inversions before?!?
- not suitable to pregnant, high blood pressure people
- Avoid eating or drinking acidic liquids an hour prior to class

Baby Yoga 親子嬰兒瑜伽
嬰兒瑜珈是一種親子互動瑜珈,以瑜珈的原理配合嬰幼兒按摩,透過循序漸進且流暢的動作、姿勢、觸覺、聲音以及深層放鬆來達到促進寶寶的身、心、情感等各層面完整發展之目的。 它可以引導爸媽與寶寶間輕鬆愉悅的互動,並培養彼此的信賴和親密感。

Chair Yoga 椅子瑜伽
Chair Yoga is a unique yoga style that adapts yoga positions and poses through creative use of a chair. The chair replaces the yoga mat and becomes an extension of the body. The student is able to warm up the body safely and perform yoga poses with more support and stability. Poses are done seated on the chair or the chair is used for support during standing poses, forward and backward bends, side extensions, balancing, and leg and arm stretches.

Diastasis Recti Recovery 產後腹直肌分離修復
Signature postnatal course designs for postnatal moms, aiming to recover diastasis recti.The recovery sequence helps release upper back, lower back, and hip pain, Restore the core energy to revenjunate the whole body. The exercise also realigns the spine to give a better posture and strengthen pelvic floor muscles to prevent incontinence.

Fitball Workout 健身球
A core strengthening class designed to improve range of motion, strength, stability co-ordination and balance. Fitball provides an excellent workout which will result in a stronger core, improved posture and better body alignment.

Foam Roller Yoga 瑜伽軸
Some Pilates exercises and core work will be performed on foam roller. Learn self-myofascial release techniques through the use of the foam roller. Using foam roller will improve your flexibility, function, performance, and reduce injuries. It is similar to giving yourself a massage using your own body weight to roll around on the foam roller.

Hatha Yoga 哈達瑜伽
A dynamic asana practice combining poses with smooth transition. Paying special attention to breath and basic alignment, this moving practice is oriented towards lengthening muscles, strengthening core region, toning internal organs and detoxification.

Kids Yoga (2-6years old) 親子兒童瑜伽
◎ 助孩子學專心:透過瑜珈可讓孩子專注力集中,掌握身體,也是邁出掌握自我的一部分,擁有內在的平衡,能夠自由自在的做自己。
◎ 幫孩子找回快樂與平靜 :運用故事教學,故事帶領孩子進入情節中,之後扮演不同角色做動作,引導出孩子快樂的本質,和自然的本性。
◎ 讓肌肉更強健:瑜珈有好多種體位法,每種都能訓練到不同部位的肌肉,有的是訓練腹肌,有的是訓練腿部肌肉,讓肌肉壓力不見,促進血液循環。
◎ 調和身心息:瑜珈是休身養心的方法,包括調身的體位法,調心的冥想法,調息的呼吸法,藉由這些方法達到身心的合ㄧ。

Kids Yoga (3-9 years old) 親子兒童瑜伽
◎ 助孩子學專心:透過瑜珈可讓孩子專注力集中,掌握身體,也是邁出掌握自我的一部分,擁有內在的平衡,能夠自由自在的做自己。
◎ 幫孩子找回快樂與平靜 :運用故事教學,故事帶領孩子進入情節中,之後扮演不同角色做動作,引導出孩子快樂的本質,和自然的本性。
◎ 讓肌肉更 強健:瑜珈有好多種體位法,每種都能訓練到不同部位的肌肉,有的是訓練腹肌,有的是訓練腿部肌肉,讓肌肉壓力不見,促進血液循環。
◎ 調和身心息:瑜珈是休身養心的方法,包括調身的體位法,調心的冥想法,調息的呼吸法,藉由這些方法達到身心的合ㄧ。

Pilates 普拉提
A mat-based functional exercise that focuses on strengthening and lengthening the deeper muscles. Pilates is focused on building strength without bulk, improving flexibility and agility and helping to prevent injury.

Prenatal Yoga 孕婦瑜伽
Prenatal class prepares your body for the physically demanding moment of birth and pelvic floor muscles. Prenatal yoga is also suitable for mums who choose natural birth or C-section. It can help them to face physical and psychological changes during pregnancy. The class will focus on releasing lower back and hip pain, meanwhile building strength for body supporting babies weight and preparing for birth. It is suitable for after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Wall Rope Yoga 牆繩瑜伽
The system is designed to assist the understanding of alignment as well as deepening the opening of the body during practice. Wall Rope Yoga is a valuable tool for those who are stiff or unable to perform certain asanas independently.There may be inversion during class using wall ropes.