Mandy P.
Oct, 2020

Mandy L.
"零晨三點穿羊水,到下午約二時半開到3度,過程中只有兩次少少宮縮痛,所以要入產房打催生針,加强宮縮。下午約4時半BB已出世。孕婦瑜珈班教我做盆底肌肉及深呼吸練習,所以打針後開始痛時,我都提自己深呼吸放鬆,盡量不要依靠聞笑氣。另外,fitball及 wall yoga 有助我做伸展等動作,訓練core及放鬆身體肌肉。"
Oct, 2020

Jenny L.
Apr, 2020

Christine T.
"由於bb過了預產期還末出來,我選擇了催生。 整個催生過程用了大約10小時。早上九時醫生安排我塞藥令子宮頸軟化(要子宮頸成熟才可以穿羊水及打子宮收縮藥水),到大概下午兩時醫生話適合穿羊水,當時子宮頸口開了兩度左右。三時半姑娘幫我打子宮收縮藥水,到大約五六時已經開了五度。最後於晚上八時零九分生了bb。
Mar, 2020

Kiko Y.
Feb, 2020

Mabel W.
"Prenatal yoga helps me a lot during the whole pregnancy journey ! I felt so relaxed both physically and psychologically after every session. What's more and most important -- I delivered my baby in less than 30 mins!"
Sep, 2017

Hula C.
Jul, 2017

Sue C.
Jun, 2017

Becky L.
Mar, 2017
Iris Y.
Mar, 2017

Vicky T.
Nov, 2016

Amy Sy
"Excellent location, nice environment.
Class is in small size that allows students practise on their own pace.
Sarah is experienced, friendly but sometimes a bit harsh ;). You could improve your posture and fitness with her guidance.
Highly recommended! You will definitely enjoy practising yoga with Sarah in Hikari Yoga."

Canice Fong
"跟Sarah瑜咖已有二年多了。 她是一個很平和很細心的導師 看到她每個動作/示範, 總覺得她跟瑜加是融為一體的。她今年開辦了自己的studio, 加入了很多不同種類的瑜珈課程, 有動有靜的, 我可按照每週自己身體狀況來報堂, 而且環境整潔乾淨、 地點方便, 所以我再沒有藉口不運動 每週也到她studio報到。"

Hannah Lau
"Sarah is a good teacher with passion and patience. Under her teaching, I learn how to put my body in right positions and my body sharp becomes beautiful gradually. Also location is convenient and classroom is perfectly formed. I enjoy working out there after work. "

Janice Sze
"I've joined Sarah's Yoga class for almost 2 years.I joined Hatha Yoga, Aerial Yoga and Yoga Wheel. I enjoyed all the classes.
Sarah is professional, she demonstrated the skills and techniques and explained clearly.
The environment of her studio is also good! It's comfortable and clean.
I've tried different yoga classes before joined Sarah's, her class is the best I've ever tried. My low back pain problem is solved after joining Sarah's yoga class.
I definitely recommend her class to my friends."

Lionel Ebrahim
"3 years ago, I joined Sarah in her yoga class for the first time. Haven't really done any yoga before, I was just going to give it a try, thinking I probably wouldn't enjoy it. Yet here I am today, still joining her classes weekly. That should tell you something. I particularly admire her ability to explain clearly what you need to be aware of for each of the poses and how you may better correct yourself gradually. I can feel I am progressing over the years. I highly recommend anyone who is considering yoga training to give Sarah a try."

Michelle Chan
"I have practised Yoga for two years and Sarah (Hikari yoga) is one of my favourite teacher in my experience
I have tried many yoga centres and teachers in these two years. There are surely some good and bad one. I met Sarah two months ago because i simply search for yoga centre in TST. After the trial, I love learning from Sarah and also like the studio a lot.
The studio is not very big but it is very neat, comfy, with great natural light from the window. Sarah is a professional teacher. The class is definitely not relaxing one but she encourage you to work hard and improve. Other than physical training, she also tells us practising yoga is not just good for our body, it also teaches us to let go our ego. I also love the bowl that allows me to have a deep rest during savasana.

Sophia Yuen
"I've been learning yoga from Sarah for more than a year, I've to say she's such an awesome and experienced teacher! She's very well knowledgeable in many means of yoga and offer proper guidance depends on your own ability. It's no doubt to say she's full of passion in yoga! "

Yvonne Lam
"Sarah is a professional yoga coach! Unlike the big yoga chains which are a lot more business-oriented, Sarah is an enthusiastic coach who teaches her students to feel and understand our own body conditions and encourages us to extend our potential. The small class teaching is one of reasons I like having her classes as we can receive better attention. You will surely be inspired by her!I recommend her classes to all yoga lovers!"